
Here at BuildByLight we strive in trying to have the best experience. Pay to win servers are dumb, and you should not have to pay money to succeed. I accept donations as part of keeping the server alive, one month cost 14 dollars. 14 dollars is a cheap amount, and so far is working out very well for us. But it would be very nice to have some donations from the community so that I’m not paying out of pocket while also doing the dirty work of maintaining the server!  If you wish to pay for 1 month of the server to keep us alive,  you can pay 14 dollars and receive 10 mushroom eggs as a token of my gratitude.  It’s nothing too special that you get in return, but you get to play here for another month, and if you enjoy it here that’s a bonus! Click the link below!

Type /donate in game and select the package

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