A Server Will Rise

For those who may not know BuildByLight was founded by Quetz and I, Crazedrage103. Quetz was the funds provider while I set up the server, and handled plugins exc. Quetz suddenly disappeared towards the end our 6 month subscription. During this time he had talked about renewing the server if the community came back, after our brief lack of interest from the community in minecraft after the bukkit ordeal. Everyone came back for the most part. He then stated he would pay for another bout of the server. He disappeared, and failed to provide funds for another round. So, to my dismay, he didn’t tell me he was done, and we lost all the old server files. I have since taken it upon myself to carry on the BBL name on a different server provider. I am going to need help here, and will be opening the server to donations after the new year.  If I get 15 people to chip in 14 dollars I can have 15 months of this server paid off. That would be amazing. I believe that I have a lot of good people in this community that would like to see it live on. I’m hoping that when I open us up to donations I will receive enough or else I wont be able to provide you with the minecraft experience you adore. Special thanks to FO3 for buying the old server domain while I was looking for answers involving the strange occurrences. By doing so he provided a server for me to meet with the community, and he will be taking it down now that the new server is up and running. Enjoy!

NEW SERVER IP:  BuildByLight.mcserver.ws

Unfortunately all users will have to start over. I added a few new ranks, (see ranks tab above) and all players will have to be assigned the rank player and rank up as they did before.

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